
发布时间:2019-09-14 09:27:22编辑:auto阅读(2024)


    我为开发板取名叫: tekkaman2440
    0 在工作目录下解压U-Boot。
     [tekkamanninja@ARM9-Host working]$ tar -xjvf u-boot-1.3.1.tar.bz2  
    1 进入U-Boot目录,修改Makefile(我在fedora 8 下,比较喜欢使用KWrite)
    [tekkamanninja@ARM9-Host working]$ cd u-boot-1.3.1
    [tekkamanninja@ARM9-Host u-boot-1.3.1]$ kwrite Makefile
    sbc2410x_config: unconfig
        @$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t sbc2410x NULL s3c24x0
    tekkaman2440_config    :    unconfig
            @$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t tekkaman2440 tekkaman s3c24x0

    arm: CPU的架构(ARCH)
    arm920t: CPU的类型(CPU),其对应于cpu/arm920t子目录。
    tekkaman2440: 开发板的型号(BOARD),对应于board/tekkaman/tekkaman2440目录。
    tekkaman: 开发者/或经销商(vender)。
    s3c24x0: 片上系统(SOC)。

    同时在“ifndef CROSS_COMPILE ”之前加上自己交叉编译器的路径,比如我使用crosstool-0.43制作的基于2.6.24内核和gcc-4.1.1-glibc-2.3.2的ARM9TDMI交叉编译器,则:
    2 在/board子目录中建立自己的开发板tekkaman2440目录
    由于我在上一步板子的开发者/或经销商(vender)中填了 tekkaman ,所以开发板tekkaman2440目录一定要建在/board子目录中的tekkaman目录下 ,否则编译会出错。
    [tekkamanninja@ARM9-Host u-boot-1.3.1]$ cd board
    [tekkamanninja@ARM9-Host board]$ mkdir tekkaman tekkaman/tekkaman2440
    [tekkamanninja@ARM9-Host board]$ cp -arf sbc2410x/* tekkaman/tekkaman2440/
    [tekkamanninja@ARM9-Host board]$ cd tekkaman/tekkaman2440/
    [tekkamanninja@ARM9-Host tekkaman2440]$ mv sbc2410x.c tekkaman2440.c
    [tekkamanninja@ARM9-Host tekkaman2440]$ kwrite Makefile
    COBJS    := tekkaman2440.o flash.o
    3 在include/configs/中建立配置头文件
    [tekkamanninja@ARM9-Host tekkaman2440]$ cd ../../..
    [tekkamanninja@ARM9-Host u-boot-1.3.1]$ cp include/configs/sbc2410x.h include/configs/tekkaman2440.h
    4 测试编译能否成功
    [tekkamanninja@ARM9-Host u-boot-1.3.1]$ make tekkaman2440_config
    Configuring for tekkaman2440 board...
         (1) 如果出现:
          $ make tekkaman2440_config
          Make1927: *** 遗漏分隔符 。 停止。
            @$(MKCONFIG) $(@:_config=) arm arm920t tekkaman2440 tekkaman)

    [tekkamanninja@ARM9-Host u-boot-1.3.1]$make

     1 修改/cpu/arm920t/start.S
    #include <config.h>
    #include <version.h>
    #if    defined(CONFIG_AT91RM9200DK)
    #include <status_led.h>    /*这是针对AT91RM9200DK开发板的。对于SCB2440V4也有4个LED指示灯,我用来指示程序用行的进度。*/
     * the actual start code

         * set the cpu to SVC32 mode

        mrs    r0,cpsr
        bic    r0,r0,#0x1f
        orr    r0,r0,#0xd3
        msr    cpsr,r0
    #if    defined(CONFIG_AT91RM9200DK)
        bl coloured_LED_init
        bl red_LED_on
    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2400) || defined(CONFIG_S3C2410)|| defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
        /* turn off the watchdog */

    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2400)
    #define pWTCON        0x15300000
    #define INTMSK        0x14400008    /* Interupt-Controller base addresses */
    #define CLKDIVN    0x14800014    /* clock divisor register */
    #define pWTCON        0x53000000
    #define INTMSK        0x4A000008    /* Interupt-Controller base addresses */
    #define INTSUBMSK    0x4A00001C
    #define CLKDIVN    0x4C000014    /* clock divisor register */
    #define CLK_CTL_BASE 0x4C000000 /* tekkaman */
    #define MDIV_405 0x7f << 12 /* tekkaman */
    #define PSDIV_405 0x21 /* tekkaman */
    #define MDIV_200 0xa1 << 12 /* tekkaman */
    #define PSDIV_200 0x31 /* tekkaman */

    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2410)
        ldr r1, =0x7ff

        ldr r0, =INTSUBMSK
        str r1, [r0]
    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
        ldr r1, =0x7fff /*根据2440芯片手册,INTSUBMSK有15位可用*/
        ldr r0, =INTSUBMSK
        str r1, [r0]

    # if defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
        /* FCLK:HCLK:PCLK = 1:4:8 */
        ldr r0, =CLKDIVN
        mov r1, #5
        str r1, [r0]
        mrc p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0 /*read ctrl register tekkaman*/
        orr r1, r1, #0xc0000000 /*Asynchronous tekkaman*/
        mcr p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0 /*write ctrl register tekkaman*/

        /*now, CPU clock is 405.00 Mhz tekkaman*/
        mov r1, #CLK_CTL_BASE /* tekkaman*/
        mov r2, #MDIV_405 /* mpll_405mhz tekkaman*/
        add r2, r2, #PSDIV_405 /* mpll_405mhz tekkaman*/
        str r2, [r1, #0x04] /* MPLLCON tekkaman */

        /* FCLK:HCLK:PCLK = 1:2:4 */
        /* default FCLK is 12 MHz ! 在这里U-Boot有一个错误:以为默认时钟为120MHz。其实如果没有添加以下设置FCLK的语句,芯片内部的PLL是无效的,即FCLK为 12MHz。S3C24x0的芯片手册说得很明白。我一开始没有注意到这一点,是 CalmArrow提醒了我并和我讨论过,他也做过实验证实了这点。在这里对CalmArrow表示感谢和敬意!*/
        ldr    r0, =CLKDIVN
        mov    r1, #3
        str    r1, [r0]

        mrc p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0 /*read ctrl register tekkaman*/
        orr r1, r1, #0xc0000000 /*Asynchronous tekkaman*/
        mcr p15, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0 /*write ctrl register tekkaman*/

        /*now, CPU clock is 202.8 Mhz tekkaman*/
        mov r1, #CLK_CTL_BASE /* tekkaman*/
        mov r2, #MDIV_200 /* mpll_200mhz tekkaman*/
        add r2, r2, #PSDIV_200 /* mpll_200mhz tekkaman*/
        str r2, [r1, #0x04]

    # endif
    #endif    /* CONFIG_S3C2400 || CONFIG_S3C2410|| CONFIG_S3C2440 */

       (3)将从Flash启动改成从NAND Flash启动。
    #ifdef    CONFIG_AT91RM9200

    relocate:                /* relocate U-Boot to RAM     */
        adr    r0, _start        /* r0 <- current position of code */
        ldr    r1, _TEXT_BASE        /* test if we run from flash or RAM */
        cmp r0, r1 /* don't reloc during debug */
        beq stack_setup

        ldr    r2, _armboot_start
        ldr    r3, _bss_start
        sub    r2, r3, r2        /* r2 <- size of armboot */
        add    r2, r0, r2        /* r2 <- source end address*/

        ldmia     {r3-r10}        /* copy from source address [r0] */
        stmia     {r3-r10}        /* copy to target address [r1] */
        cmp    r0, r2            /* until source end addreee [r2] */
        ble    copy_loop
    #endif    /* CONFIG_SKIP_RELOCATE_UBOOT */

    #ifdef CONFIG_S3C2440_NAND_BOOT
        @ reset NAND
        mov r1, #NAND_CTL_BASE
        ldr r2, =( (7<<12)|(7<<8)|(7<<4)|(0<<0) )
        str r2, [r1, #oNFCONF]
        ldr r2, [r1, #oNFCONF]

        ldr r2, =( (1<<4)|(0<<1)|(1<<0) ) @ Active low CE Control
        str r2, [r1, #oNFCONT]
        ldr r2, [r1, #oNFCONT]

        ldr r2, =(0x6) @ RnB Clear
        str r2, [r1, #oNFSTAT]
        ldr r2, [r1, #oNFSTAT]
        mov r2, #0xff @ RESET command
        strb r2, [r1, #oNFCMD]

      mov r3, #0 @ wait
      add r3, r3, #0x1
      cmp r3, #0xa
      blt nand1

      ldr r2, [r1, #oNFSTAT] @ wait ready
      tst r2, #0x4
      beq nand2

        ldr r2, [r1, #oNFCONT]
        orr r2, r2, #0x2 @ Flash Memory Chip Disable
        str r2, [r1, #oNFCONT]

    @ get read to call C s (for nand_read())
      ldr sp, DW_STACK_START @ setup stack pointer
      mov fp, #0 @ no previous , so fp=0

    @ copy U-Boot to RAM
      ldr r0, =TEXT_BASE
      mov r1, #0x0
      mov r2, #0x30000
      bl nand_read_ll
      tst r0, #0x0
      beq ok_nand_read

    loop2: b loop2 @ infinite loop

    @ verify
      mov r0, #0
      ldr r1, =TEXT_BASE
      mov r2, #0x400 @ 4 bytes * 1024 = 4K-bytes
      ldr r3, [r0], #4
      ldr r4, [r1], #4
      teq r3, r4
      bne notmatch
      subs r2, r2, #4
      beq stack_setup
      bne go_next

    loop3: b loop3 @ infinite loop

    #endif @ CONFIG_S3C2440_NAND_BOOT

    #ifdef CONFIG_S3C2410_NAND_BOOT
    @ reset NAND
      mov r1, #NAND_CTL_BASE
      ldr r2, =0xf830 @ initial value
      str r2, [r1, #oNFCONF]
      ldr r2, [r1, #oNFCONF]
      bic r2, r2, #0x800 @ enable chip
      str r2, [r1, #oNFCONF]
      mov r2, #0xff @ RESET command
      strb r2, [r1, #oNFCMD]

      mov r3, #0 @ wait
      add r3, r3, #0x1
      cmp r3, #0xa
      blt nand1

      ldr r2, [r1, #oNFSTAT] @ wait ready
      tst r2, #0x1
      beq nand2

      ldr r2, [r1, #oNFCONF]
      orr r2, r2, #0x800 @ disable chip
      str r2, [r1, #oNFCONF]

    @ get read to call C s (for nand_read())
      ldr sp, DW_STACK_START @ setup stack pointer
      mov fp, #0 @ no previous , so fp=0

    @ copy U-Boot to RAM
      ldr r0, =TEXT_BASE
      mov r1, #0x0
      mov r2, #0x30000
      bl nand_read_ll
      tst r0, #0x0
      beq ok_nand_read

    loop2: b loop2 @ infinite loop

    @ verify
      mov r0, #0
      ldr r1, =TEXT_BASE
      mov r2, #0x400 @ 4 bytes * 1024 = 4K-bytes
      ldr r3, [r0], #4
      ldr r4, [r1], #4
      teq r3, r4
      bne notmatch
      subs r2, r2, #4
      beq stack_setup
      bne go_next

    loop3: b loop3 @ infinite loop

    #endif @ CONFIG_S3C2410_NAND_BOOT

    在“ldr    pc, _start_armboot”之前加入:
    # if defined(CONFIG_tekkaman2440_LED)
        @ LED1 on u-boot stage 1 is
        mov r1, #GPIO_CTL_BASE
        add r1, r1, #oGPIO_B
        ldr r2,=0x155aa
        str r2, [r1, #oGPIO_CON]
        mov r2, #0xff
        str r2, [r1, #oGPIO_UP]
        mov r2, #0x1c0
        str r2, [r1, #oGPIO_DAT]
    在 “  _start_armboot:    .word start_armboot  ” 后加入:
    .align 2
    2  在board/tekkaman/tekkaman2440加入NAND Flash读函数文件,拷贝vivi中的nand_read.c文件到此文件夹即可:
    #include <config.h>

    #define __REGb(x) (*(volatile unsigned char *)(x))
    #define __REGi(x) (*(volatile unsigned int *)(x))
    #define NF_BASE 0x4e000000

    # if defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)

    #define NFCONF __REGi(NF_BASE + 0x0)
    #define NFCONT __REGi(NF_BASE + 0x4)
    #define NFCMD __REGb(NF_BASE + 0x8)
    #define NFADDR __REGb(NF_BASE + 0xC)
    #define NFDATA __REGb(NF_BASE + 0x10)
    #define NFSTAT __REGb(NF_BASE + 0x20)


    #define NAND_CHIP_ENABLE (NFCONT &= ~(1<<1))
    #define NAND_CHIP_DISABLE (NFCONT |= (1<<1))
    #define NAND_CLEAR_RB (NFSTAT |= (1<<2))
    #define NAND_DETECT_RB { while(! (NFSTAT&(1<<2)) );}

    #define BUSY 4
    inline void wait_idle(void) {
        while(!(NFSTAT & BUSY));
        NFSTAT |= BUSY;

    #define NAND_SECTOR_SIZE 512

    /* low level nand read */
    nand_read_ll(unsigned char *buf, unsigned long start_addr, int size)
        int i, j;

        if ((start_addr & NAND_BLOCK_MASK) || (size & NAND_BLOCK_MASK)) {
            return -1; /* invalid alignment */


        for(i=start_addr; i < (start_addr + size);) {
            /* READ0 */
            NFCMD = 0;

            /* Write Address */
            NFADDR = i & 0xff;
            NFADDR = (i >> 9) & 0xff;
            NFADDR = (i >> 17) & 0xff;
            NFADDR = (i >> 25) & 0xff;


            for(j=0; j < NAND_SECTOR_SIZE; j++, i++) {
                *buf = (NFDATA & 0xff);
        return 0;
    # endif

    # if defined(CONFIG_S3C2410)

    #define NFCONF __REGi(NF_BASE + 0x0)
    #define NFCMD __REGb(NF_BASE + 0x4)
    #define NFADDR __REGb(NF_BASE + 0x8)
    #define NFDATA __REGb(NF_BASE + 0xc)
    #define NFSTAT __REGb(NF_BASE + 0x10)
    #define BUSY 1

    inline void wait_idle(void) {
        int i;
        while(!(NFSTAT & BUSY))
          for(i=0; i<10; i++);
    /* low level nand read */
    nand_read_ll(unsigned char *buf, unsigned long start_addr, int size)
        int i, j;
        if ((start_addr & NAND_BLOCK_MASK) || (size & NAND_BLOCK_MASK)) {
            return -1; /* invalid alignment */
        /* chip Enable */
        NFCONF &= ~0x800;
        for(i=0; i<10; i++);
        for(i=start_addr; i < (start_addr + size);) {
          /* READ0 */
          NFCMD = 0;
          /* Write Address */
          NFADDR = i & 0xff;
          NFADDR = (i >> 9) & 0xff;
          NFADDR = (i >> 17) & 0xff;
          NFADDR = (i >> 25) & 0xff;
          for(j=0; j < NAND_SECTOR_SIZE; j++, i++) {
     *buf = (NFDATA & 0xff);
        /* chip Disable */
        NFCONF |= 0x800; /* chip disable */
        return 0;
    # endif
    3 修改board/tekkaman/tekkaman2440/Makefile文件
    OBJS := tekkaman2440.o nand_read.o flash.o
    4 修改include/configs/tekkaman2440.h文件,添加如下内容:
     * Nandflash Boot

    #define STACK_BASE 0x33f00000
    #define STACK_SIZE 0x8000
    //#define UBOOT_RAM_BASE 0x33f80000

    /* NAND Flash Controller */
    #define NAND_CTL_BASE 0x4E000000
    #define bINT_CTL(Nb) __REG(INT_CTL_BASE + (Nb))
    /* Offset */
    #define oNFCONF 0x00

    # if defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
    #define CONFIG_S3C2440_NAND_BOOT 1
    /* Offset */
    #define oNFCONT 0x04
    #define oNFCMD 0x08
    #define oNFADDR 0x0c
    #define oNFDATA 0x10
    #define oNFSTAT 0x20
    #define oNFECC 0x2c
    #define rNFCONF (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x4e000000)
    #define rNFCONT (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x4e000004)
    #define rNFCMD (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4e000008)
    #define rNFADDR (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4e00000c)
    #define rNFDATA (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4e000010)
    #define rNFSTAT (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x4e000020)
    #define rNFECC (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x4e00002c)

    # if defined(CONFIG_tekkaman2440_LED)
    /* GPIO */
    #define GPIO_CTL_BASE 0x56000000
    #define oGPIO_B 0x10
    #define oGPIO_CON 0x0 /* R/W, Configures the pins of the port */
    #define oGPIO_DAT 0x4 /* R/W, Data register for port */
    #define oGPIO_UP 0x8 /* R/W, Pull-up disable register */


    # if defined(CONFIG_S3C2410)
    #define CONFIG_S3C2410_NAND_BOOT 1
    /* Offset */
    #define oNFCONF 0x00
    #define oNFCMD 0x04
    #define oNFADDR 0x08
    #define oNFDATA 0x0c
    #define oNFSTAT 0x10
    #define oNFECC 0x14
    #define rNFCONF (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x4e000000)
    #define rNFCMD (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4e000004)
    #define rNFADDR (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4e000008)
    #define rNFDATA (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4e00000c)
    #define rNFSTAT (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x4e000010)
    #define rNFECC (*(volatile unsigned int *)0x4e000014)
    #define rNFECC0 (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4e000014)
    #define rNFECC1 (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4e000015)
    #define rNFECC2 (*(volatile unsigned char *)0x4e000016)
    /*JFFS2 Support  */
    #define CONFIG_JFFS2_NAND 1
    #define CONFIG_JFFS2_DEV  "nand0"
    #define CONFIG_JFFS2_PART_SIZE  0x4c0000
    #define CONFIG_JFFS2_PART_OFFSET 0x40000
    /*JFFS2 Support  */
    /* USB Support 080218 */
    #define CONFIG_USB_OHCI
    #define LITTLEENDIAN
    /* USB Support 080218 */

    #endif /* __CONFIG_H */
    5 修改board/tekkaman/tekkaman2440/lowlevel_init.S文件
        依照开发板的内存区的配置情况, 修改board/tekkaman/tekkaman2440/lowlevel_init.S文件,我利用友善之臂提供的vivi源码里的信息做了如下更改:
    #define B1_BWSCON        (DW16)

    #if defined(CONFIG_DRIVER_NE2000)
    #define B2_BWSCON         (DW16 + UBLB)
    #define B2_BWSCON        (DW16)

    #define B3_BWSCON        (DW16 + WAIT + UBLB)
    #define B4_BWSCON        (DW16)
    #define B5_BWSCON        (DW16)
    #define B6_BWSCON        (DW32)
    #define B7_BWSCON        (DW32)
    #if defined(CONFIG_DRIVER_NE2000)
    #define B2_Tacs             0x3    /* 4clk tekkaman*/
    #define B2_Tcos             0x3    /* 4clk tekkaman*/
    #define B2_Tacc             0x7    /* 14clk */
    #define B2_Tcoh             0x3    /* 4clk tekkaman*/
    #define B2_Tah             0x3    /* 4clk tekkaman*/
    #define B2_Tacp             0x3    /* 6clk tekkaman*/
    #define B2_PMC             0x0    /* normal */
    #define B2_Tacs            0x0
    #define B2_Tcos            0x0
    #define B2_Tacc            0x7
    #define B2_Tcoh            0x0
    #define B2_Tah            0x0
    #define B2_Tacp            0x0
    #define B2_PMC            0x0

    /* REFRESH parameter */
    #define REFEN            0x1    /* Refresh enable */
    #define TREFMD            0x0    /* CBR(CAS before RAS)/Auto refresh */
    #define Trc            0x3    /* 7clk */
    #define Tchr            0x2    /* 3clk */

    # if defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
    #define Trp            0x2    /* 4clk */
    #define REFCNT            1012

    #define Trp            0x0    /* 2clk */
    #define REFCNT            0x0459
    6 修改/board/tekkaman/tekkaman2440/tekkaman2440.c
    #define FCLK_SPEED 1

    #if FCLK_SPEED==0        /* Fout = 203MHz, Fin = 12MHz for Audio */
    #define M_MDIV    0xC3
    #define M_PDIV    0x4
    #define M_SDIV    0x1
    #elif FCLK_SPEED==1        

    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2410)
    /* Fout = 202.8MHz */
    #define M_MDIV    0xA1
    #define M_PDIV    0x3
    #define M_SDIV    0x1

    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
    /* Fout = 405MHz */
    #define M_MDIV 0x7f        
    #define M_PDIV 0x2
    #define M_SDIV 0x1

    #define USB_CLOCK 1

    #if USB_CLOCK==0
    #define U_M_MDIV    0xA1
    #define U_M_PDIV    0x3
    #define U_M_SDIV    0x1
    #elif USB_CLOCK==1

    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2410)
    #define U_M_MDIV    0x48
    #define U_M_PDIV    0x3

    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
    #define U_M_MDIV 0x38
    #define U_M_PDIV 0x2

    #define U_M_SDIV    0x2
    /* set up the I/O ports */
    gpio->GPACON = 0x007FFFFF;
    # if defined(CONFIG_tekkaman2440_LED)
        gpio->GPBCON = 0x00055556;

        gpio->GPBCON = 0x00044556;

    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2410)
        /* arch number of SMDK2410-Board */
        gd->bd->bi_arch_number = MACH_TYPE_SMDK2410;

    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
        /* arch number of S3C2440 -Board */
        gd->bd->bi_arch_number = MACH_TYPE_S3C2440 ;

    /* adress of boot parameters */
    gd->bd->bi_boot_params = 0x30000100;
    # if defined(CONFIG_tekkaman2440_LED)
        gpio->GPBDAT = 0x180;

    //int board_init (void)设置完成后,LED1和LED2会亮起!

    return 0;
    7 为了实现NAND Flash的读写,再次修改/include/configs/tekkaman2440.h
     * High Level Configuration Options
     * (easy to change)

    #define CONFIG_ARM920T 1 /* This is an ARM920T Core */
    //#define    CONFIG_S3C2410        1    /* in a SAMSUNG S3C2410 SoC */

    //#define CONFIG_SBC2410X        1    /* on a friendly-arm SBC-2410X Board */

    #define CONFIG_S3C2440 1 /* in a SAMSUNG S3C2440 SoC */
    #define CONFIG_tekkaman2440 1 /* on a SAMSUNG tekkaman2440 Board */
    #define CONFIG_tekkaman2440_LED 1
    /* Use the LED on Board */
     * Command line configuration.

    #include <config_cmd_default.h>

    #define CONFIG_CMD_CACHE
    #define CONFIG_CMD_DATE
    #define CONFIG_CMD_DHCP
    #define CONFIG_CMD_ELF
    #define CONFIG_CMD_PING
    define CONFIG_CMD_NAND
    #define CONFIG_CMD_JFFS2

    /* JFFS2 Support    080218  */

    #define CONFIG_CMD_USB

    /* USB Support  080218  */

    #define CONFIG_CMD_FAT

    /* FAT support  080218  */

    #define CFG_LONGHELP
    /* undef to save memory */
    #define CFG_PROMPT "[Tekkaman2440]#"
    /*Monitor Command Prompt */
    #define CFG_CBSIZE 256
    /* Console I/O Buffer Size */
    #define CFG_LOAD_ADDR 0x30008000
     /* default load address */


    /* timeout values are in ticks */
    #define CFG_FLASH_ERASE_TOUT    (5*CFG_HZ) /* Timeout for Flash Erase */
    #define CFG_FLASH_WRITE_TOUT    (5*CFG_HZ) /* Timeout for Flash Write */

    #define CFG_ENV_IS_IN_NAND 1
    #define CFG_ENV_OFFSET 0X30000
    #define CFG_NAND_LEGACY

    //#define    CFG_ENV_IS_IN_FLASH    1

    #define CFG_ENV_SIZE        0x10000    /* Total Size of Environment Sector */

     * NAND flash settings

    #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NAND)
    #define CFG_NAND_BASE 0x4E000000
    /* NandFlash控制器在SFR区起始寄存器地址 */
    #define CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE 1
     /* 支持的最在Nand Flash数据 */
    #define SECTORSIZE 512
    /* 1页的大小 */
    #define NAND_BLOCK_MASK 511

    /* 页掩码 */
    #define ADDR_COLUMN 1
    /* 一个字节的Column地址 */
    #define ADDR_PAGE 3
    /* 3字节的页块地址!!!!!*/
    #define ADDR_COLUMN_PAGE 4

    /* 总共4字节的页块地址!!!!! */
    #define NAND_ChipID_UNKNOWN 0x00
    /* 未知芯片的ID号 */
    #define NAND_MAX_FLOORS 1
    #define NAND_MAX_CHIPS 1
    /* Nand Flash命令层底层接口函数 */
    #define WRITE_NAND_ADDRESS(d, adr) {rNFADDR = d;}
    #define WRITE_NAND(d, adr) {rNFDATA = d;}
    #define READ_NAND(adr) (rNFDATA)
    #define NAND_WAIT_READY(nand) {while(!(rNFSTAT&(1<<0)));}
    #define WRITE_NAND_COMMAND(d, adr) {rNFCMD = d;}
    #define WRITE_NAND_COMMANDW(d, adr)    NF_CmdW(d)

    # if defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
    #define NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand) {rNFCONT |= (1<<1);}
    #define NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand) {rNFCONT &= ~(1<<1);}
    # if defined(CONFIG_S3C2410)
    #define NAND_DISABLE_CE(nand) {rNFCONF |= (1<<11);}
    #define NAND_ENABLE_CE(nand) {rNFCONF &= ~(1<<11);}

    /* the following s are NOP's because S3C24X0 handles this in hardware */

    #define NAND_CTL_CLRALE(nandptr)
    #define NAND_CTL_SETALE(nandptr)
    #define NAND_CTL_CLRCLE(nandptr)
    #define NAND_CTL_SETCLE(nandptr)
    /* 允许Nand Flash写校验 */
    #endif /* __CONFIG_H */
    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2400) || defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined(CONFIG_LH7A40X) || defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
    “#ifdef CONFIG_S3C2410”改为
    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined (CONFIG_S3C2440)

    顺便在其中加入2440 的NAND FLASH 寄存器定义(第160行附近)和CAMDIVN定义(第128行附近):
    typedef struct {
             S3C24X0_REG32 LOCKTIME;
             S3C24X0_REG32 MPLLCON;
             S3C24X0_REG32 UPLLCON;
             S3C24X0_REG32 CLKCON;
             S3C24X0_REG32 CLKSLOW;
             S3C24X0_REG32 CLKDIVN;
    #if defined (CONFIG_S3C2440)
             S3C24X0_REG32 CAMDIVN;
    } /*__attribute__((__packed__))*/ S3C24X0_CLOCK_POWER;
    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2410)

    /* NAND FLASH (see S3C2410 manual chapter 6) */
    typedef struct {
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFCONF;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFCMD;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFADDR;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFDATA;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFSTAT;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFECC;
    } /*__attribute__((__packed__))*/ S3C2410_NAND;
    #if defined (CONFIG_S3C2440)
    /* NAND FLASH (see S3C2440 manual chapter 6) */
    typedef struct {
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFCONF;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFCONT;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFCMD;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFADDR;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFDATA;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFMECC0;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFMECC1;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFSECC;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFSTAT;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFESTAT0;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFESTAT1;
             S3C24X0_REG32 NFECC;
    } /*__attribute__((__packed__))*/ S3C2410_NAND;
    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2400) || defined (CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined (CONFIG_TRAB) || defined (CONFIG_S3C2440)
    #elif defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined (CONFIG_S3C2440)
    #elif defined(CONFIG_SBC2410X) || \
          defined(CONFIG_SMDK2410) || \
          defined(CONFIG_VCMA9) ||defined(CONFIG_tekkaman2440)
    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2400) || defined (CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined (CONFIG_TRAB) || defined (CONFIG_S3C2440)
    #elif defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined (CONFIG_S3C2440)
    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2400) || defined (CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined (CONFIG_TRAB) || defined (CONFIG_S3C2440)
    #elif defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined (CONFIG_S3C2440)
    static ulong get_PLLCLK(int pllreg)

        m = ((r & 0xFF000) >> 12) + 8;
        p = ((r & 0x003F0) >> 4) + 2;
        s = r & 0x3;

    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
       if (pllreg == MPLL)
        return((CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ * m * 2) / (p << s));
        else if (pllreg == UPLL)

        return((CONFIG_SYS_CLK_FREQ * m) / (p << s));
    /* return FCLK frequency */
    ulong get_FCLK(void)
    /* return HCLK frequency */
    ulong get_HCLK(void)
        S3C24X0_CLOCK_POWER * const clk_power = S3C24X0_GetBase_CLOCK_POWER();

    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
        if (clk_power->CLKDIVN & 0x6)
                                if ((clk_power->CLKDIVN & 0x6)==2) return(get_FCLK()/2);
                                if ((clk_power->CLKDIVN & 0x6)==6) return((clk_power->CAMDIVN & 0x100) ? get_FCLK()/6 : get_FCLK()/3);
                                if ((clk_power->CLKDIVN & 0x6)==4) return((clk_power->CAMDIVN & 0x200) ? get_FCLK()/8 : get_FCLK()/4);
           else return(get_FCLK());

        return((clk_power->CLKDIVN & 0x2) ? get_FCLK()/2 : get_FCLK());

    #elif defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined (CONFIG_S3C2440)
    #elif defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined (CONFIG_S3C2440)
    #elif defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined (CONFIG_S3C2440)
    #elif defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined (CONFIG_S3C2440)
    将“#ifdef CONFIG_S3C2410”改为
    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) || defined (CONFIG_S3C2440)
    #if defined(CONFIG_ARM920T) || \
        defined(CONFIG_S3C2400) || \
        defined(CONFIG_S3C2410) || \
        defined(CONFIG_S3C2440) || \
        defined(CONFIG_440EP) || \
        defined(CONFIG_PCI_OHCI) || \
    9、在 include/linux/mtd/nand_ids.h的结构体nand_flash_ids加入
    static struct nand_flash_dev nand_flash_ids[] = {
        {"Samsung K9F1208U0B", NAND_MFR_SAMSUNG, 0x76, 26, 0, 3, 0x4000, 0},
     * Constants for hardware specific CLE/ALE/NCE

    #if 0

    /* Select the chip by setting nCE to low */
    #define NAND_CTL_SETNCE        1
    /* Deselect the chip by setting nCE to high */
    #define NAND_CTL_CLRNCE        2
    /* Select the command latch by setting CLE to high */
    #define NAND_CTL_SETCLE        3
    /* Deselect the command latch by setting CLE to low */
    #define NAND_CTL_CLRCLE        4
    /* Select the address latch by setting ALE to high */
    #define NAND_CTL_SETALE        5
    /* Deselect the address latch by setting ALE to low */
    #define NAND_CTL_CLRALE        6
    /* Set write protection by setting WP to high. Not used! */
    #define NAND_CTL_SETWP        7
    /* Clear write protection by setting WP to low. Not used! */
    #define NAND_CTL_CLRWP        8
    #include <common.h>
    #include <command.h>
    #include <malloc.h>
    #include <devices.h>
    #include <version.h>
    #include <net.h>
    #include <s3c2410.h>
    static int display_banner (void)
    # if defined(CONFIG_tekkaman2440_LED)     
        S3C24X0_GPIO * const gpio = S3C24X0_GetBase_GPIO();
             gpio->GPBDAT = 0x100;


        printf ("\n\n%s\n\n", version_string);
        debug ("U-Boot code: %08lX -> %08lX BSS: -> %08lX\n",
               _armboot_start, _bss_start, _bss_end);
        debug ("Modem Support enabled\n");
    #ifdef CONFIG_USE_IRQ
        debug ("IRQ Stack: %08lx\n", IRQ_STACK_START);
        debug ("FIQ Stack: %08lx\n", FIQ_STACK_START);

        return (0);
    void start_armboot (void)
             init_fnc_t **init_fnc_ptr;
             char *s;
    #ifndef CFG_NO_FLASH
             ulong size;
    #if defined(CONFIG_VFD) || defined(CONFIG_LCD)
             unsigned long addr;
    # if defined(CONFIG_tekkaman2440_LED)     
             S3C24X0_GPIO * const gpio = S3C24X0_GetBase_GPIO();
    # if defined(CONFIG_tekkaman2440_LED)     
             gpio->GPBDAT = 0x0;


             /* main_loop() can return to retry autoboot, if so just run it again. */
             for (;;) {
                       main_loop ();
             /* NOTREACHED - no way out of command loop except booting */
    11、 修改common/env_nand.c
    #error CONFIG_INFERNO not supported yet

    int nand_legacy_rw (struct nand_chip* nand, int cmd,
            size_t start, size_t len,
            size_t * retlen, u_char * buf);
    extern struct nand_chip nand_dev_desc[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];
    extern int nand_legacy_erase(struct nand_chip *nand, size_t ofs, size_t len, int clean);

    /* info for NAND chips, defined in drivers/nand/nand.c */
    extern nand_info_t nand_info[CFG_MAX_NAND_DEVICE];


    #else /* ! CFG_ENV_OFFSET_REDUND */
    int saveenv(void)
        ulong total;
        int ret = 0;

        puts ("Erasing Nand...");
    //if (nand_erase(&nand_info[0], CFG_ENV_OFFSET, CFG_ENV_SIZE))

    if (nand_legacy_erase(nand_dev_desc + 0, CFG_ENV_OFFSET, CFG_ENV_SIZE, 0))
            return 1;

        puts ("Writing to Nand... ");
        total = CFG_ENV_SIZE;
    //ret = nand_write(&nand_info[0], CFG_ENV_OFFSET, &total, (u_char*)env_ptr);

    ret = nand_legacy_rw(nand_dev_desc + 0,
    0x00 | 0x02, CFG_ENV_OFFSET, CFG_ENV_SIZE,
    &total, (u_char*)env_ptr);

        if (ret || total != CFG_ENV_SIZE)
            return 1;

        puts ("done\n");
        return ret;
    #else /* ! CFG_ENV_OFFSET_REDUND */
     * The legacy NAND code saved the environment in the first NAND device i.e.,
     * nand_dev_desc + 0. This is also the behaviour using the new NAND code.

    void env_relocate_spec (void)
    #if !defined(ENV_IS_EMBEDDED)
        ulong total;
        int ret;

        total = CFG_ENV_SIZE;
    //ret = nand_read(&nand_info[0], CFG_ENV_OFFSET, &total, (u_char*)env_ptr);

        ret = nand_legacy_rw(nand_dev_desc + 0, 0x01 | 0x02, CFG_ENV_OFFSET, CFG_ENV_SIZE, &total, (u_char*)env_ptr);


    12、 在/board/tekkaman/tekkaman2440/tekkaman2440.c文件的末尾添加对Nand Flash 的初始化函数(在后面Nand Flash的操作都要用到)
    u-boot运行至第二阶段进入start_armboot()函数。其中nand_init()函数是对nand flash的最初初始化函数。Nand_init()函数在两个文件中实现。其调用与CFG_NAND_LEGACY宏有关,如果没有定义这个宏,系统调用 drivers/nand/nand.c中的nand_init();否则调用自己在board/tekkaman/tekkaman2440/tekkaman2440.c中的nand_init()函数。这里我选择第二种方式。
    #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_NAND)
    typedef enum {

    static inline void NF_Conf(u16 conf)
        S3C2410_NAND * const nand = S3C2410_GetBase_NAND();
        nand->NFCONF = conf;

    static inline void NF_Cmd(u8 cmd)
        S3C2410_NAND * const nand = S3C2410_GetBase_NAND();
        nand->NFCMD = cmd;

    static inline void NF_CmdW(u8 cmd)

    static inline void NF_Addr(u8 addr)
        S3C2410_NAND * const nand = S3C2410_GetBase_NAND();
        nand->NFADDR = addr;

    static inline void NF_WaitRB(void)
        S3C2410_NAND * const nand = S3C2410_GetBase_NAND();
        while (!(nand->NFSTAT & (1<<0)));

    static inline void NF_Write(u8 data)
        S3C2410_NAND * const nand = S3C2410_GetBase_NAND();
        nand->NFDATA = data;

    static inline u8 NF_Read(void)
        S3C2410_NAND * const nand = S3C2410_GetBase_NAND();

    static inline u32 NF_Read_ECC(void)
        S3C2410_NAND * const nand = S3C2410_GetBase_NAND();

    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
    static inline void NF_Cont(u16 cont)
        S3C2410_NAND * const nand = S3C2410_GetBase_NAND();
        nand->NFCONT = cont;

    static inline void NF_SetCE(NFCE_STATE s)
        S3C2410_NAND * const nand = S3C2410_GetBase_NAND();
        switch (s) {
        case NFCE_LOW:
            nand->NFCONT &= ~(1<<1);
        case NFCE_HIGH:
            nand->NFCONT |= (1<<1);

    static inline void NF_Init_ECC(void)
        S3C2410_NAND * const nand = S3C2410_GetBase_NAND();
        nand->NFCONT |= (1<<4);

    static inline void NF_SetCE(NFCE_STATE s)
        S3C2410_NAND * const nand = S3C2410_GetBase_NAND();
        switch (s) {
        case NFCE_LOW:
            nand->NFCONF &= ~(1<<11);
        case NFCE_HIGH:
            nand->NFCONF |= (1<<11);

    static inline void NF_Init_ECC(void)
        S3C2410_NAND * const nand = S3C2410_GetBase_NAND();
        nand->NFCONF |= (1<<12);

    extern ulong nand_probe(ulong physadr);

    static inline void NF_Reset(void)
        int i;

        NF_Cmd(0xFF);        /* reset command */
        for(i = 0; i < 10; i++);    /* tWB = 100ns. */
        NF_WaitRB();        /* wait 200~500us; */

    static inline void NF_Init(void)
    #define TACLS 0
    #define TWRPH0 3
    #define TWRPH1 0
    #define TACLS 0
    #define TWRPH0 4
    #define TWRPH1 2

    #if defined(CONFIG_S3C2440)
        /*nand->NFCONF = (1<<15)|(1<<14)|(1<<13)|(1<<12)|(1<<11)|(TACLS<<8)|(TWRPH0<<4)|(TWRPH1<<0); */
        /* 1 1 1 1, 1 xxx, r xxx, r xxx */
        /* En 512B 4step ECCR nFCE=H tACLS tWRPH0 tWRPH1 */

    void nand_init(void)
        S3C2410_NAND * const nand = S3C2410_GetBase_NAND();

    #ifdef DEBUG
        printf("NAND flash probing at 0x%.8lX\n", (ulong)nand);
        printf ("%4lu MB\n", nand_probe((ulong)nand) >> 20);
